For the fourth successive year HAS is inviting members to show their work at the Maytime Fair at Xavier College. Large crowds attend the Fair and the exhibition venue is an attractive and spacious setting. Eva Miller is coordinating the show and encourages all members to get involved. The total number of framed paintings submitted and the space available will determine the final number of paintings that are hung. Members may submit framed work ( paintings on stretched canvas count as framed work). Members may also submit unframed work which is suitably mounted and not larger than 400mm x 400mm.
Based on previous experience, members can submit two paintings as well as three unframed pictures. Although the majority of Maytime Fair activities will be held on Saturday 4 May, some activities may occur on the 3 May in the Exhibition venue. This is another exciting opportunity, so do not hesitate to contact:

Eva Miller 9818 4910, Julie Chiffy 9859 4525, or Richard Birmingham 9029 8622.


Friday 26 April 2013 - Closing date for Entry Forms and payments of entry fee

Thursday 2 May 2013 - Delivery date of exhibits: 10.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Saturday 4 May 2013 - Maytime Fair: 9 am to 5 pm

Monday 6 May 2013 - Pick-up date for unsold exhibits; 9.30 to 1pm.


  1. Exhibitors must be current paid-members of Hawthorn Artists Society.
  2. A member/exhibitor may enter up to two framed items along with three unframed items, (which will be separately listed/catalogued)
  3. Each item must be the original work of the artist; be suitably framed, or presented to a professional standard and be ready for sale.
  4. All framed exhibition items must be sturdy and fitted with eyelets and wire for hanging. Paintings must be touch-dry as wet paintings may be rejected. Unframed work should be window mounted.
  5. All items must be clearly marked on the back with:
  6. Title, Member Name, Address, Phone number, Price. Maximum size limits: 1m x 1m framed or 400m x 400m unframed.
  7. Forms must be lodged by the closing date: Friday 26 April and returned to Eva Miller, 77 Elgin St, Hawthorn, 3122
  8. The entry fee is $10 per framed item and $5 per unframed item and is payable by cheque or money order with this completed form.
  9. Items must be delivered to the exhibition venue at the Performing Arts Centre, main driveway, Xavier College, Kew between 10.30 am and 4 pm on Thursday 2 May. Unsold items must be collected from the exhibition venue on Monday 6 May between 9.30 am and 1 pm.
  10. A Commission of 20% will be deducted from all sales and go directly to Maytime Fair Charities.
  11. Hawthorn Artists Society will exercise reasonable care but will not accept responsibility for any damage or loss to exhibition items.
  12. Bearing in mind these conditions exhibition HAS reserves the right not to display an item. The Entry Fee will be refunded if an item is not displayed.