Graeme Galloway
En Plein Air group.
Last Sunday of the month.
Keep an eye on our social media during the week before that last Sunday for location details. See our Instagram.
Are you interested?
The group will meet last Sunday of the month 10.30am - 2pm.
Various suitable locations will be decided upon in consultation with members. Such as Fitzroy Gardens / Petty’s Orchard, Templestowe / NGV / State Library / Wattle Park / MOMA Heide / Botanic Gardens.
The Convenor will notify group members by email, at least a week in advance with the necessary information.
Artists bring their own equipment.
Members meet at 11am at the designated place and disperse for over three hours to work in the vicinity.
There is no instruction provided, but plenty of encouragement for novices.
At 2pm there is an informal show and tell for those who wish to participate and an invitation to stay on for afternoon tea and a chat at a nearby venue.
These events are always ‘weather permitting’.
If you are at all unwell do not attend these sessions. If you have tested positive, or feel you may have COVID-19, do not come along until a week after you have recovered.
Send an email if you would like to be added to the mailing list for details of future events