Prior to enrolment, please contact the teaching Artist to discuss course content and placement availability.
Payment can be made directly through electronic transfer or should you wish to pay by cheque, please ensure your name ( and membership number if a current HAS member ) along with the relevant course reference code ( see below ) is written on the cheque, on the back of the cheque or on an accompanying form.
When paying by electronic transfer, please use your initial and surname then the relevant course code, as your payee reference. e.g.: J.Smith-RZ2
Please note that a yearly $50 membership fee is also payable in addition to course fees.
BSB : 063 138
Account Number : 0090 1737
Account Name : Hawthorn Artist Society Inc
Reference : Your initial and surname then course reference code ( see below ), e.g.: J.Smith-RZ2
Post : HAS Secretary, PO Box 37, Hawthorn 3122
Course code: JMcB
Janice McBride - Painting all Media : Wednesday morning 9.30am - 12.30pm
Course code: N&J
Nathan Paramanthan and Jenny Scholes - Painting in oils and acrylic : Friday 10 - 12noon & 12.30 - 2.30pm.
Course code: RZ1
Raphael Zimmerman - Expression through Abstract painting : Thursday afternoons 1.30 - 4pm.
An enrolment form only needs to be submitted once, when commencing a new course of study.
On-going term sessions including continuation from year to year within the same course, can simply be paid as described above.
* = Required information
ABN 41 006 086 273 Reg. No. A0027862V